
573 lines
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This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <cassert>
#include <cstring>
namespace Lenyiin
// 实现一个支持增删查改的 string
class String
// 迭代器
typedef char *iterator;
typedef const char *const_iterator;
typedef char *riterator;
typedef const char *const_riterator;
iterator begin() // 返回首地址
return _str;
iterator end() // 返回尾地址
return _str + _size;
const_iterator begin() const
return _str;
const_iterator end() const
return _str + _size;
riterator rbegin()
return _str + _size - 1;
riterator rend()
return _str - 1;
const_riterator rbegin() const
return _str + _size - 1;
const_riterator rend() const
return _str - 1;
//// 默认构造函数:创建一个空字符串
// String()
// : _str(nullptr), _size(0), _capacity(0)
// }
//// 带参数的构造函数从C风格字符串创建String对象
// String(const char* str) {
// if (str) {
// _size = _capacity = strlen(str);
// _str = new char[_size + 1]; // 分配内存,+1是为了存储终止符'\0'
// strcpy(_str, str); // 将字符串内容复制到data指向的内存
// }
// else {
// _str = nullptr;
// _size = _capacity = 0;
// }
// }
// 进阶写法
// 默认构造函数
String(const char *str = "") // 默认构造函数
: _str(new char[strlen(str) + 1]), _size(strlen(str)), _capacity(_size)
strcpy(_str, str);
// 拷贝构造函数:深拷贝
// String(const String& s) // 拷贝构造函数
// : _str(new char[s._capacity + 1]), _size(s._size), _capacity(s._capacity)
// strcpy(_str, s._str);
// 进阶写法
// 拷贝构造 复用默认构造
String(const String &s)
: String(s._str)
// 赋值运算
// String &operator=(const String &s)
// if (this != &s)
// {
// char *tmp = new char[s._capacity + 1];
// strcpy(tmp, s._str);
// delete[] _str;
// _str = tmp;
// _size = s._size;
// _capacity = s._capacity;
// }
// return *this;
// 进阶写法
// 赋值运算符重载
void Swap(String &s)
std::swap(_str, s._str);
std::swap(_size, s._size);
std::swap(_capacity, s._capacity);
String &operator=(String s)
return *this;
String &operator=(const char *str)
String s(str);
return *this;
// 移动构造函数
String(String &&s) noexcept
: _str(s._str), _size(s._size), _capacity(s._capacity)
s._str = nullptr;
s._size = s._capacity = 0;
// 移动赋值运算符
String &operator=(String &&s) noexcept
if (this != &s)
delete[] _str; // 释放当前对象的内存
_str = s._str; // 接管资源
_size = s._size;
_capacity = s._capacity;
s._str = nullptr; // 将other对象重置为默认状态
s._size = s._capacity = 0;
return *this;
// 重载 [] 运算符
char &operator[](size_t pos)
assert(pos < _size);
return _str[pos];
const char &operator[](size_t pos) const
assert(pos < _size);
return _str[pos];
// 获取私有成员
size_t size() const // 获取有效字符个数
return _size;
size_t capacity() const // 获取有效容量
return _capacity;
const char *c_str() const // 返回字符串
return _str;
// 析构函数
delete[] _str;
_str = nullptr;
_size = _capacity = 0;
// 开辟空间
void reserve(size_t newcapacity)
if (newcapacity > _capacity)
char *newstr = new char[newcapacity + 1];
strcpy(newstr, _str);
delete[] _str;
_str = newstr;
_capacity = newcapacity;
// 设置指定大小, 并初始化
void resize(size_t newsize, char ch = '\0')
if (newsize < _size)
_size = newsize;
_str[_size] = '\0';
if (newsize > _capacity)
for (size_t i = _size; i < newsize; i++)
_str[i] = ch;
_size = newsize;
_str[_size] = '\0';
// 尾插
void push_back(char ch) // 尾插一个字符
if (_size == _capacity)
size_t newcapacity = _capacity == 0 ? 4 : _capacity * 2;
_str[_size++] = ch;
_str[_size] = '\0';
// 追加
void append(const char ch)
void append(const char *str) // 追加一个字符串
size_t len = strlen(str);
if (_size + len > _capacity)
reserve(_size + len);
strcpy(_str + _size, str);
_size += len;
void append(const String &s) // 追加一个对象
// 运算符 += 重载
String &operator+=(const char ch)
return *this;
String &operator+=(const char *str)
return *this;
String &operator+=(const String &s)
return *this;
// 任意位置插入字符
String &insert(size_t pos, char ch)
assert(pos <= _size);
if (_size == _capacity)
size_t newcapacity = _capacity == 0 ? 4 : _capacity * 2;
int end = _size;
while (end >= (int)pos)
_str[end + 1] = _str[end];
_str[pos] = ch;
return *this;
// 任意位置插入字符串
String &insert(size_t pos, const char *str)
assert(pos <= _size);
// 1. 如果空间不够就扩容
size_t len = strlen(str);
if (_size + len > _capacity)
reserve(_size + len);
// 2. 挪动数据
int end = _size;
while (end >= (int)pos)
_str[end + len] = _str[end];
// 3. 插入数据
strncpy(_str + pos, str, len);
_size += len;
return *this;
// 任意位置插入一个对象
String &insert(size_t pos, const String &s)
return insert(pos, s._str);
// 删除
String &erase(size_t pos = 0, size_t len = npos)
assert(pos < _size);
if (len >= _size - pos)
_str[pos] = '\0';
_size = pos;
while (pos <= _size - len)
_str[pos] = _str[pos + len];
_size -= len;
return *this;
// 尾删
void pop_back()
assert(_size > 0);
_str[_size] = '\0';
// 运算符 < 重载
bool operator<(const String &s)
int ret = strcmp(_str, s._str);
return ret < 0;
// 运算符 == 重载
bool operator==(const String &s)
int ret = strcmp(_str, s._str);
return ret == 0;
// 运算符 <= 重载
bool operator<=(const String &s)
return *this < s || *this == s;
// 运算符 > 重载
bool operator>(const String &s)
int ret = strcmp(_str, s._str);
return ret > 0;
// 运算符 >= 重载
bool operator>=(const String &s)
return !(*this < s);
// 运算符 != 重载
bool operator!=(const String &s)
return !(*this == s);
// 查找字符
size_t find(char ch, size_t pos = 0) const
for (size_t i = pos; i < _size; i++)
if (_str[i] == ch)
return i;
return npos;
// 查找字符串
size_t find(const char *str, size_t pos = 0) const
char *p = strstr(_str, str);
if (p == nullptr)
return npos;
return p - _str;
// 查找对象
size_t find(const String &s, size_t pos = 0) const
return find(s._str, pos);
// 反向查找字符串
size_t rfind(char ch, size_t pos = npos) const
if (pos == npos)
pos = _size - 1;
for (int i = pos; i >= 0; i--)
if (_str[i] == ch)
return i;
return npos;
// 反向查找字符串
size_t rfind(const char *str, size_t pos = npos)
size_t len = strlen(str);
if (len > _size)
return npos;
if (pos >= _size)
pos = _size - 1;
for (size_t i = pos; i != npos; i--)
if (strncmp(_str + i, str, len) == 0)
return i;
return npos;
String substr(size_t pos = 0, size_t len = npos) const
assert(pos < _size);
if (len == npos || len + pos > _size)
len = _size - pos;
char *buffer = new char[len + 1];
strncpy(buffer, _str + pos, len);
buffer[len] = '\0';
return String(buffer);
// 清空
void clear()
_size = 0;
_str[_size] = '\0';
char *_str;
size_t _size; // 记录已经存储了多少有效字符
size_t _capacity; // 记录能存储多少有效字符 '\0' 结尾 但不作为有效字符
static size_t npos; // size_t -> unsigned long long -1 是一个极大的数
size_t String::npos = -1;
std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &_cout, const String &s)
for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); i++)
_cout << s[i];
return _cout;
std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &_cin, String &s)
while (true)
char ch;
//_cin >> ch;
ch = _cin.get();
// if (ch == '\n') // 通过换行分割
if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n')
s += ch;
return _cin;